Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Mythology of Supernatural, Bargain Sale on Amazon (and some other minor news)

Hey Folks,

I have not had very much time to devite to the blog, lately... apologies. But I assure you that it is for good reason.  If you've been paying attention to my Twitter or Facebook posts, then you already know that I have been in the process of hammering out a book proposal and sample chapter for a new project over the last month or two.

I will be posting more details regarding the new project when/if everything passes muster with the publisher.

In the meantime, I just wanted to let everyone know that The Mythology of Supernatural is currently available on Amazon at a Bargain Price of only $6.00. From what I understand, supplies are limited so if you want one you should go get it.

Here is the link: http://amzn.com/B0085S1ECM

All my best and I'm sorry for not posting much lately... but I promise to start posting more frequently here on the blog very soon.

And, as always, thanks for everyone's interest and support.
